The Body Confidence Upgrade is a programme that looks at health as a priority. We look at changing your mindset around how you look at yourself, food & exercise which will then lead to achieving long lasting lifestyle results for your body, creating the strongest, fittest, healthiest & best version of you!

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The Body Confidence Upgrade is for you:

If you're looking to get & feel healthy.
If you're sick of fad diets and want to learn to eat to maintain a healthy weight for life.
Want to change your relationship with food & exercise.
You want to gain body confidence.
You're ready to commit to changing your lifestyle to become the best, most confident, healthiest version of you.

What to Expect

Nutritional guidance

Advice on what foods to eat and macronutrient goals.

Training Plans

Training plan/protocol complete with video demonstration.

Progress Tracking

Tracking your progress using 3 effective tools.

Weekly check-ins

Weekly check-ins to ensure you’re continuously progressing.

Direct Messaging

Access to me via an app every day of the week.

Facebook Group

A community of like -minded women & regular Facebook Lives.

Client Success Stories

"She helped me see the importance of pushing myself in the gym, I now go to the gym with the hope of hitting PB’s rather than just to burn calories."


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"She helped me see the importance of pushing myself in the gym, I now go to the gym with the hope of hitting PB’s rather than just to burn calories."


"All it takes is consistency and an amazing coach like Miriam to help guide you, support you and keep you accountable."

Angelica Sandru

My newfound confidence has helped me to make life-changing decisions, and I have never been happier!

Sophia Furreedan

Book a call

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I hate running, will you make me go running?
I have some equipment at home, can I get a programme based on what I have?
Do I have to have access to a gym?
Do I have to have Facebook?
I've never counted calories before, do I have to, to do you programme?
Is this Personal training sessions over zoom?

Download my free fat loss calorie guide

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